Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why "Why" and Why Not "Why Not"

Something new confronts us. Perhaps interesting, maybe unwarranted, slightly diferent but definitely something NEW. And what do we do about it? Before we even warm up to it, we try and ward it off with a stubborn "Why"?

Just another of those human quirks that we have. And this one comes right out of Newtonian science. Its his first law - inertia. We are just too sceptical to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unkown. While change might be the only constant, it is not something that we look forward to.

And why is it that this "Why" always confronts anything new that comes our way. It is not as if we're satisfied with our present lives. But its just that we are too stuck in our monotonies. The uncertainity of what changes the change might bring scares us off the change. The change could be good or bad. It might work for us or we might regret it for the rest of our lives. But darn, above all it is something NEW and we ought to give it a chance at least. If not try it out we should at least think about trying it out.

So try this the next time when something new steps into your life. Instead of the usual "Why" greet it with a "Why Not". And don't ask me "Why".

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